By: Robert J. Marzano, Jennifer S. Norford, Mike Ruyle Design assessment for learning and drive student engagement and academic achievement. Gain holistic assessment methods and tools for both summative and formative assessment in the classroom, and transition to a mode of assessment that truly reflects course curriculum and student progress.
Pathway 1: Element Credentialing: $95 Pathway 2: Design Area Badging: $225 Pathway 3: CBE Educator Certification: $2250 Take your teaching to the next level. Choose a Marzano Academies’ Educator Pathway and earn certification as a competency-based educator. Learn how to create a classroom environment that clarifies learning outcomes, so students have a role in designing and executing learning plans intended to develop a sense of agency and efficacy. Learn how to use coordinated, evidence-based assessment and instructional strategies that, when executed together, have a combined effect greater than the sum of their parts.