Element Courses

These are the 24 courses that credential teachers at the most granular level, namely the element groups of the Marzano Academies Instructional Model. 

Xb – Using Long-Term Projects


This is the credentialing course for element Xb - Using Long-Term Projects. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the element of Long-Term Projects in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Metacognitive and Life Skills Design Area.

Xb – Using Long-Term Projects2024-04-19T19:04:35+00:00

IXc and IXd – The Reluctant Learner


This is the credentialing course for Elements IXc - Asking In-Depth Questions of Reluctant Learners and IXd - Probing Incorrect Answers with Reluctant Learners. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of the reluctant learner in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Efficacy and Agency Design Area.

IXc and IXd – The Reluctant Learner2024-04-19T19:35:08+00:00

IXb – Enhancing Student Agency


This is the credentialing course for ElementIXb - Enhancing Student Agency. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the element enhancing student agency in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Efficacy and Agency Design Area.

IXb – Enhancing Student Agency2024-04-19T19:31:35+00:00

IXa – Inspiring Students


This is the credentialing course for Element IXa - Inspiring Students. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the element of Inspiring Students in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Efficacy and Agency Design Area.

IXa – Inspiring Students2024-04-19T19:32:13+00:00

VIIc, VIId, VIIe – Rules and Procedures


This is the credentialing course for Elements VIIc - Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures, VIId - Acknowledging Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures, and VIIe - Establishing Rules and Procedures. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of the Rules and Procedures in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Comfort, Safety, and Order Design Area.

VIIc, VIId, VIIe – Rules and Procedures2024-04-19T19:07:42+00:00

VIIa, VIIb, VIIf – Teacher Approach


This is the credentialing course for Elements VIIa - Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom,  VIIb - withitness, and VIIf - Exhibiting Objectivity and Control. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of the Teacher Approach in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Comfort, Safety, and Order Design Area.

VIIa, VIIb, VIIf – Teacher Approach2024-04-19T18:58:50+00:00

VIf, VIg, VIh – Interest


This is the credentialing course for Elements VIf - Presenting Unusual Information, VIg - Using Friendly Controversy, and VIh - Using Academic Games. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of Maintaining Interest in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Engagement Design Area.

VIf, VIg, VIh – Interest2024-04-19T19:01:03+00:00

VIc, VId, VIe – Energy


This is the credentialing course for Elements VIc—Using Physical Movement, VId—Maintaining a Lively Pace, and VIe - Demonstrating Intensity and Enthusiasm. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of Maintaining Energy in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Engagement Order Design Area.

VIc, VId, VIe – Energy2024-04-19T19:02:07+00:00

VIa and VIb – Attention


This is the credentialing course for Elements VIa—Noticing and Reacting when Students are Not Engaged and VIb—Increasing Response Rates. When completed successfully, you will earn the credential for the elements of Maintaining Attention in a CBE classroom, which is part of the Engagement Design Area.

VIa and VIb – Attention2024-04-19T19:03:04+00:00
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