Each of the 16 School Level Indicators (16 SLIs) Dr. Marzano has identified as the keys to high-reliability schools has an accompanying performance scale. As work commences, the SLI’s and their scales are used diagnostically to determine the unique needs of your school. As work continues, the SLI’s are used as blueprints for implementation, improvement, and actualization of a Competency-Based Education system.
Mastery of the 16 SLIs is determined by the Marzano Academies embedded, Implementation Specialists and leads to certification as a Marzano Academy. The 16 SLIs are:
Safe, Orderly, and Supportive Environment
The school has programs and practices in place that provide students, parents, and staff with a sense of safety, order, and support. response
Student Efficacy and Agency
The school has programs and practices in place that help develop student efficacy and agency.
The school has programs and practices in place that are designed to inspire students by providing opportunities for self-actualization and connection to something greater than self.
Personal Projects
The school has programs and practices in place that allow students to engage in projects of their own design.
Instruction and Teacher Development
The school has a Marzano Academies Inc. (MAI) approved instructional model that is used to provide feedback to teachers regarding their status and growth on specific pedagogical skills.
Blended Instruction
The school procures online resources and engages teachers in activities that help them develop online resources for score 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 levels on proficiency scales.
Cumulative Review
The school has programs and practices in place that ensure students continually review and revise critical content and practice various forms of assessment relative to that content.
Knowledge Maps
The school ensures that students use Knowledge Maps as tools to comprehend various types of texts and write various types of texts.
Measurement Topics
The school has well-articulated measurement topics with accompanying proficiency scales for essential academic content.
Cognitive and Metacognitive Skills
The school has well-articulated measurement topics and accompanying proficiency scales for cognitive and metacognitive skills that are systematically taught and assessed throughout the curriculum.
The school has programs and practices in place to ensure that all students have a working knowledge of Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III vocabulary.
Explicit Goals for Students’ Status and Growth
The school has explicit goals for students’ status and growth at the individual student level and at the whole school level.
The school has an assessment system that ensures the use of reliable and valid classroom assessments that measure each student’s status and growth on specific measurement topics.
Reporting and Grading
The school has a reporting and grading system that depicts both status and growth for individual students and allows for students to be working at multiple levels across different subject areas.
Collective Responsibility
The school has programs and practices in place that ensure teachers collectively provide instruction, support, and assessments on measurement topics regardless of whether students are assigned to them as a class.
Flexible Scheduling
The school employs scheduling practices that allow students to receive instruction, support, and evaluation on measurement topics at any level in any subject area.